The team accordingly to the cover of Justice League Europe #1 of 1989.
Bottom row: Wonder Woman, Animal Man, Power Girl, Rocket Red 4
The team accordingly to the cover of Justice League Europe #1 of 1989.
The team accordingly to the Justice League International #19 of 1988.
top row: Martian Manhunter, Guy Gardner, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Batmanbottom row:
Stone Boy, Fire Lad, Color Kid
(The costumes were shown in various issues and not always coherent. So I could only define it by "1970s".)
The characters from the cover of JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL #7, when the series name changed from "Justice League" to "Justice League International".
top row: Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Mister Miracle, Batman
bottom row: Guy Gardner, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Rocket Red
The characters from the cover of JUSTICE LEAGUE #1.
The evolution of the Supergirls of DC's main continuity.
(Right-clicking this image and opening it in a new tab will show a a bigger version than only left-clicking. I have no clue how to fix this.)
The core Justice League team of the New 52 era according to Jim Lee's famous promotional artwork of 2011.
Refering to the story from Justice League of America #135-137 from 1976.
As the figures are custom made, printed and cut in single production runs, the pricing is not as cheap as I wish it would be.